Before Posting On This Forum… Please Read

HOME Forums The Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Arcade Help Forum Brick and Morter Before Posting On This Forum… Please Read


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    This forum is coming soon, however; you must read these guidelines before you post here.

    No Profanity

    Profanity is prohibited on this forum. Fairies Dreams & Fantasy is designed to be as family-friendly as possible. We don’t alow dirty language, especially ‘throwing a bird” at someone to threaten or other means.

    If any of these posts contain these foul words; a post is removed from this forum, or thread.

    No Pornography

    This is not a porn forum. Fairies Dreams & Fantasy strictly oppose pornography because, pornography is considered taboo.

    Keep Discussions Relevant

    If you were discussing about a game or ride within Fairies Dreams & Fantasy itself via a brick and morter version; always discuss it via a relevant forum.

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