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Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Books Help Forum
This help forum contains topics about getting help with our books what we publish and distribute to our favorite vendors.
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Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Me Forums
This is an official forum for Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Me website, you can send feature requests, report issues, and discuss tips and tricks when using Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Me.
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The Car-Free City
This is a car-free forum where you can discuss ways to live without a car, and use public transportation, and help cut air pollution. Over 35,000 deaths has happened during vehicle collisions involving automobiles,--years after this machine is invented. If you were a cyclistwho ride bikes; there's a dedicated forum available in this form.
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- 2 years, 11 months ago
The Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Arcade Help Forum
This forum is dedicated for getting help with the Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Arcade. That can range from reporting issues, discussing about this website itself, sharing experiences.
Brick and morter version of this arcade will be coming soon.
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- 3 years, 4 months ago
The Vegetarian Garden
Left meat off your plate? This forum is the place to tell your story about leaving meat off your plate, rejecting to eat any animal that is used for producing meat, or refusing to hunt. Whether you stopped eating red meat, chicken, turkey,duck, goose, pork, deer, elk, bison, etc.
Vegetarianism isn't just epical, it's also useful to cut pollution, reduce water usage, and save the environment. There are many kinds of vegetarians out there.
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- 8 years, 8 months ago
Activist Zone
This group is ideal for activists to communicate. Whenever you're an animal activist, internet activist, or any kind of activist who wanted to change our world. For example; you created a petition to stop copyfraud, and you wanted to remove copyright-trolls from our web.
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Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Hosting Portal
This is a forum intended for users who use our built-in hosting platform outside of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Writer. If you have experienced any difficulties that requires exclusive support, use our ticketing system instead.
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The Tea Room
Brew your cup of tea, bake your scones, and grab some vegetables, fruit, and other meatless snacks! The virtual tea room is the place to be. Whenever you're a sharing a story, telling stories, or working with your project with your friends.
This is a virtual tea room where fairies, mythology, and other fairy-based topics were listed. Well tea rooms are going kind of rare, but there's a possible way to make tea rooms come back to our society. Choosing tea over any other beverage is also ideal for this forum, but a decision is yours.
More Info
For the past years, we've been drinking tea,--after it's been discovered in Asia. Overtime; soft-drinks has caused some tea rooms to lose some repeat-customers, and go out of service. It doesn't have to be that way. It's possible to start your own tea room at your own house, or apartment. Or find an existing tea room at your local town; but you might need to do your homework to find a correct place.
About this Forum Category
Many people who enjoy tea might have tea rooms in their homes around the world. It's kind of rare to find tea rooms in our homes. This is beyond worse nightmares for many tea-drinkers. Many tea-drinkers don't support alcoholic beverages, and bars where they sell liquor. Although; parents who were caring about tea, and a wholesome family has managed to keep their tea rooms in their homes active, promote social skills, and leave liquor out of their cups,--for good.
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- 3 years ago
Suggestions For Fairies Dreams & Fantasy
Have some New ideas for our site, and you want to Make Fairies Dreams & Fantasy a better place, or make it easier for all of us to interact with our community? Post your suggestions here!
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Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Books Help Forum